Proposed Equation of Elastic Modulus of Hybrid Fibers Reinforced Concrete Cylinders

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Afaq Ahmad
Qaiser-uz-Zaman Khan
Fiaz Tahir
Saqib Mehboob
Ali Raza


To control the cracks and to increase the serviceability of concrete members, different types of fibers are used. The present research is conducted to study the behavior of hybrid-fiber reinforced concrete (HFRC) to enhance the load carrying capacity of concrete in compression and tension. Two different types of fibers are studied in this research; one is steel fibers (SF), and the other is polypropylene fibers (PPF). By using a different volumetric combination of SF and PPF, 42 concrete cylinders are cast in order to study the compressive and tensile behavior of concrete. The results exhibited the physical changes in the concrete due to the addition of different low-volume fractions of SF and PPF. The maximum compressive strength was achieved using 0.7% SF along with 0.3% PPF and the maximum tensile strength was achieved at 0.8% SF and 0.9% PPF by the total volume of the sample. A comparative study was also made for the previously proposed equations of the elastic modulus of concrete in order to obtain an equation which predicts the elastic modulus of HFRC accurately.

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How to Cite
Ahmad, A., Khan, Q.- uz-Z., Tahir, F., Mehboob, S., & Raza, A. (2019). Proposed Equation of Elastic Modulus of Hybrid Fibers Reinforced Concrete Cylinders. Technical Journal, 24(01), 9-20. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Afaq Ahmad, University of Engineering & Technology, Taxila

P.hD Structural Engineering Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh Scotland UK (2014 - 2018) Title: “Reinforced Concrete (RC) Structures Analysis and Assessment with Artificial Neural networks”. M.Sc. Structural Engineering (Honours) University of Engineering and Technology Taxila, Pakistan (2009 - 2012) Title: “Experimental Evaluation of Retrofitted Bridge Piers with CFRP under Seismic Loading”. B.Sc. Civil (Honours) Engineering University of Engineering and Technology Taxila, Pakistan (2004 - 2008) Title: “Effect of Span Length on the Design of Deck Slab and Girders”. Weblinks:

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