Implementation of Machine Learning Technique for Efficient Power Distribution & Utilization in Energy Sector of Pakistan

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Umair Bashir
Muzaffar Ali
Akram Ali


Due to Pakistan's energy problems, including inefficient power distribution, frequent power outages, and rising demand that causes huge load shedding, this study looks into how machine learning methods can be used to improve power distribution for reduction in per unit cost to the consumers
Utilizing real-world data from Pakistan's energy infrastructure, Tailored machine learning models, including predictive maintenance, load forecasting, and optimization algorithms, are proposed to address the country's distinctive challenges and to control mechanisms to mitigate distribution losses.
The research proposes a suite of machine learning models tailored to address specific challenges in the Pakistani energy context. These models encompass predictive maintenance, load forecasting, fault detection, and optimization algorithms, aiming to minimize distribution losses and enhance overall system performance. Integration with smart grids is explored to facilitate real-time monitoring and control. Scalability and adaptability considerations ensure the applicability of proposed solutions in the diverse and evolving energy infrastructure of Pakistan.
The research incorporates flexibility and adaptability considerations to align with the dynamic nature of Pakistan's energy utilization. Regulatory and policy implications are meticulously examined to ensure compliance with legal frameworks and ethical standards. Validation using actual energy data from Pakistan substantiates the efficacy and robustness of the proposed machine learning models.
Engagement with stakeholders, including government agencies, utility companies, and consumers, is a key component of the research. The study concludes with a comprehensive documentation of methodology, findings, and recommendations, providing a valuable contribution to the field and offering practical insights for policymakers, industry professionals, and researchers alike.

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How to Cite
Bashir, U., Ali, M., & Ali, A. (2024). Implementation of Machine Learning Technique for Efficient Power Distribution & Utilization in Energy Sector of Pakistan. Technical Journal, 29(03), 25-32. Retrieved from